Be free of bad health. Be the better person in
Business. The Games and Sports you play and above all, a Winner in life.
For Behavioural Change our Soundtracks and Videos.
& Bio Feedback Measurement since 1979. Learn how to use the Hypnotic State
correctly and use a Mirror to help achieve your purpose. The window to the soul
is through the eye.
Get the blocks removed, results you want in minutes, not
months or years.
Fifty years helping people and for over twenty
years I have taught written and practiced this technique I found out almost by
accident. Putting religious writings, psychological theories and science, occult
writings, secret society rituals and my own life events together gave me the
hidden methods to the
of attracting the best possible life for you and making it happen.
If I needed to see you three times I would have
failed. I DO NOT FAIL. I have very little time now for 1 on 1 appointments so
now I have to show you how in web broadcasts.
Learn how to talk to your hidden mind and get all
the parts of you working to be in the right place at the right time with your
mind and your eyes wide open.
There is no ten minute video making promises trying to fool
you. A big car and big house is not always the answer. In fact, what I have to
offer is, A peaceful and fruitful life.
Do as I do, have done, and will continue to
I want you to achieve a
better life.
Our body has it's own memory. Close your eyes.
Have someone stick a needle in your back. I think you will know what it is
without seeing it. You are a Waking you with vision and a Sleeping you with
vision. Learn in minutes how to use them both. If your problems were SUB
conscious, how come you are suffering 24/7 If it's subconscious, how come you do
what it says not what you say.
These are a sample of my mothers
indoctrinations I suffered. You won't win, You will have nothing,
No you cannot have what you want. You're
useless. Little boys will be seen and not heard.
He that expecteth nothing shall not be
disappointed NO you cannot have any money.
What do you want that for. Etc. Etc. Were your
memory banks stuffed with similar garbage?
Your senses and your brain are the gateway to
your mind. Don't be confused by all the drivel from the mental health
professionals. Drugs only jam up your ability to have normal thought. Psychiatry
never cured anybody of anything, ever.
You can reach and work with your sub conscious
mind when you know the method and the passwords and frequencies. The great
writers knew it and tried to tell the world in their stories. The Arabian
Nights, Magic Carpet, Aladdin's Cave, The Genie In The Lamp. Mirror mirror on
the wall who is the cleverest of them all Etc Etc. |
The Sub Conscious you, IT IS NOT
It works and you do as
it tells you :- 24/7
So lets work together so your positive future
has nothing to do with your negative past.
The real decision making you is faster than your conscious
you. It works out instantly how to get you to do what it thinks is right for you
even though it's laws and ideas are sometimes based on bad ideas, Paradigms. You
can contact your decision maker. Your Hidden Mind. It has a name.
You can speak with it and call it by name. Take time to get
to know how it works and deal with it, when you know how. No need for Hypnotism
or Brainwave entrainment but be sure, they both work and they are an answer if
you use them, correctly. You do not need to leave your waking state to change
your paradigms. You do not need six months counselling to learn to love
yourself. Don't think this so called ( Sub Conscious Mind ) is just an empty
bucket to throw ideas in to saying now you are totally relaxed Etc Etc. That
doesn't work. "Now let this relaxation go all the way down to your toes."
Rubbish, and you hear this type of script all the time in self help recordings.
The TOTAL consciousness, if you will, is a thinking person, and you need to
convince the other you that your way, not it's way, is right.
It is not a 16th century Italian artists impression of a
lady with feathered wings or someone like a overweight child with their hands
together looking at the sky. If the other you does not like your ideas based on
it's beliefs from the past. IT WILL, AND IT DOES, reject the
ideas if you do not approach this whole concept
correctly. The harmful beliefs you are suffering are based on your childhood
Even more bizarre to some, it may come from your
ancestors. Every day your parents guardians and people of authority in your
young life made statements you took on board as rules of life. Now is the time
to undo all the garbage and rubbish you were indoctrinated with in your forming
years.There is very little more to it than this simple explanation, when
explained, you will be amazed how fast you can change your outlook and
behaviour. I say this to you. I have done this for myself.
I write with a lifetimes experience of helping others to
help themselves successfully. At 79 years of age I know the story. I taught my
self help methods in County Authority Educations Classes starting in 1984 and I
have never stopped learning and searching for better, faster more profound ways
of achieving a better life for those who came to me.