The Hidden Voice - Find it -

Speak to it- Work with it. 


>> <<

Click on the link above. You are six parts of mind not just one.

Get in touch and get the facts then get well.

With Or Without Hypnotism - your choice. You don't need it


Release The Past is a relaxing recording. Use headphones.

The Hidden MInd, A therapy terminology developed by   Joe Keeton

over fifty years ago. The real pathfinder in Past Life Regression

A therapy term developed by Charles Tebbetts over forty years ago.  I gave classes for Charles at his school in Seattle Washington. Now learn my methods plus Keeton's and Tebbetts to uncover and work with your hidden mind that controls your life.

Just the cost of a couple of books

UK Veterans

Learn how to stop PTSD dead in it's tracks

About The Hidden Mind 


Description of The Practice. Now fully retired.

In Therapy practice for over 52 years, specialising in treatment of psychosomatic disorders.
I gave treatment for mental health issues that are the underlying cause of physical bad health.

I successfully gave classes in adult education for an English County Council Education Authority starting in 1984 using the term Hypnosis.

A pathfinder in the use of Photo - Sonic stimulation for Brainwave Entrainment and the use of EEG in achieving Hemispheric Integration and Balancing of the Brainwaves for ultimate health and well being.

International instructor for the uses of altered states of awareness for
mental and physical improvement using Light and Sound Technology / Colour and Kaleidoscope Imagery.

Now read how it's done in the new book ' The Winning Spirit '

Brain Hemispheric Integration creating good health and well being.


Books available from me >>  Miracles on Demand.            Charles Tebbetts

   Self Hypnosis and Other Mind Expanding Techniques.    Charles Tebbetts.

About to be released,  'The Winning Spirit'


                                              The TRUTH                              The real human AURA. Not a chakra in  sight.

  This is my own guide to help you find the pathway through whatever is holding you back

in your own mind. Discoverable easily with or without using light and sound technology or Hypnotism.

 Work with Light & Sound devices and technology for Excellent Physical and Mental Health.

Therapeutic uses of Brainwave Entrainment for Winning in Sport, Games, Good Health.

How the brain really works and how Theta Frequencies for relaxation and suggestions do not.

Learn from these books about addiction and pain relief.



Not hiding behind web addresses on this site.  Text first and state name and reason for the contact.

You cannot reach your purpose goals or destiny when you are acting on your hidden fears.

Rapid and permanent relief from Panic Attacks and Phobias.

Remove blockages that stop you winning in Sport, Life, Mental and Physical Health

A caring effective therapy using safe state of the art methods and technology.

Improvement  for behaviour in young children.



Whether it's a phobia or a terror from memories,


An Escape for you. 

Find out what is happening in your Hidden Mind


Though completely retired I will help with advice by email if possible.

Whether you are therapist of sufferer you are welcome.

Do NOT miss an appointment. You will not get another if you do.

Live a calm life and sleep better NOW tonight.

Veterans wanting to help themselves with our process receive instructions on how to

use the light and sound machines.

Therapeutic techniques developed over many years are used to get you the service veteran,

a much improved life after being diagnosed with PTSD.

   Drugs and alcohol are not the answer.  The methods I use and teach will improve your condition.

Get rid of Fears - Phobias - Nightmares - Panic Attacks and the ideas that you are ill forever.

   Switch your head off when you go to bed.       Leave  Trauma Memories behind forever.

                                           Alcohol and Drugs are not the answer.           All ages successfully treated.

All the above dealt with successfully for over 50 years.     26 years with the same methods and devices.

Please don't waste your life suffering, or making your family and friends suffer. 

There really is no need for suffering symptoms of PTSD.

Don't believe therapy is all guesswork as the newspapers have you believe, it isn't.

In confidence contact me for a free advice.


UK Veterans PTSD supports the following services.

For UK veterans calls to the USA can be made very cheaply

A little research just look for cheap calls to the USA on internet or try 0844 640 0707.

Do NOT miss an appointment. You will not get another if you do.

Click on Banners to go to website


Get Help Now - Addiction Resource

Must read >>>



We are prepared to provide lessons treatment and help in prison wherever possible.

Classes and instruction for veterans and their families achieves more calm and tranquillity for the PTSD sufferer and helps restore normality into their lives.

Available seminars and webinars. Contact by email.

Do NOT miss an appointment. You will not get another if you do.



UK Veterans PTSD 2017 © All rights reserved